"Dustee vs. the Salt-Syndicate" is an indie comic made by freelance cartoonist InkyFace.
"DVTSS" is my latest big creation of work. It's in fact my first full-flushed out comic ever, and the idea of it began in 2021. After being busy in the next years and not sure if creating comics was the correct thing for me, I finally began to really work on it in 2022 when i started on a school about comic-making. 2023 was THE big year for "DVTSS" as I focused almost solely on it. Now, after months of hard work, the first episode (basically the pilot) is finished! This comic is first and foremost 110% meant to be a fun project. I am challenging myself to make something long-lasting, if people read it it would be a huge bonus to me. That's the (short) story! I really hope you enjoy reading it! If you're done reading already... well then I better start making more coffee and get back to drawing :-)
People I want to thank:
Mom, Dad, my brother, my friends Anna, Kai, Mikolaj, Casandra, Even, my online friends, my teachers, my inspirations, AND YOU READING MY COMIC !!!